lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

My favourite drummer

I don't have a favourite drummer because there are a lot of good drummers and everyone have a different style of play drums but there are very similars.

This is a link to see a video of a drum battle of Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010


There are two different types of drums: the electric drums and the acustic drums. The electric drums can be listened through head phones and through loudspeakers. And the acustic drums will be always listened without elements of sound, but the two different drums have the same main elements:
Snare drum (Caixa)
Floor tom (Goliat)
Bass drum (Bombo)
Hi-Hat (Xarles)
Tom 1 (tambo 1)
Tom 2 (tambo 2)
Ride (plat dret)
Crash (plat esquerra)

There are other elements that are not part of drums, for exemple:

Sticks (baquetes)
Partiture (partitura)
Music stand (faristol)
Metronome (metrònom)

Drum's language

The typical words used to drums and music are these:
Swing (ritme de jazz)
Break (solo d'un compàs)
Fill (break)
Drummer (bateria)
Drum (bateria)
D.S.Coda (Principi de la cançó)
Coda (final de la cançó)
note (note)

Drum's history

The drums were born at the begining of century XX. The main elements of drums (bass-drum, snare, cymbals,...) were played in the bands and the militar marches. First, drums were invented to play jazz.
In 1910 in USA the bands played with 3 o 4 musicians (one for every instrument).